Our Leadership 2024 - 2026
People First of Connecticut has a Board of Directors.
Members of the People First of CT Board of Directors include elected officers and other interested people with disabilities. Changes to the Board of Directors are updated in this section.
Elected members of the Board of Directors
Jossie Torres, President (DDS and West Region)
email: nenajcr@icloud.com
Josh Mears, Vice President (Webmaster)
email: joshmears81@icloud.com
Quentin Hughes III , Secretary (Danbury area)
email: qhughes@comcast.net
Bethlynne Heller, Treasurer (Hartford area)
email: bethlynneheller@gmail.com
Other members of the Board of Directors
Wendy Rice, Southington Arc
Aaron Newton, Southeastern CT
Jamie Lazaroff, Northeastern CT
Varian Salters, DDS and North area self-advocacy groups
Lisa Knauff, self-directed funds representative
Ellyn Little, Board member at-large
Carnezz Terry, past president (Southington Arc)
Melissa Taylor, Board member at-large
Kelly Dorsey, Midstate Arc ​​